Sunday, October 25, 2009

Visual Book : Made of Paper - Kami no Mono

The title of the book "kami no mono" literally means "things made of paper". In this book amazing papergoods works/products of 46 designers/artists are gathered and introduced with beautiful photographs. Artists such as Mihoko Seki, Yonagado, Yoko Inoue are included whose products are listed in my shop.
Very inspring and hightly recommended.

Artists introductions and list of their shops are included though written all in Japanese. (you can pick up the URLs!)

Visual Book : Made of Paper - Kami no Mono


  1. Yay! I loved your UGUiSU shop so much that I featured all of your edition de tokyo stuff on mine! check it out

  2. Hello PetSugar,
    Thank you so much!!!! That is so sweet of you!
    the editions de tokyo stuff are really great ;)
